Unshakable Peace in the Storm
Opening Scripture:
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.”
– John 14:27 (ESV)
Devotional Reflection:
Life’s storms come without warning—sudden challenges, uncertainties, and moments that shake us to the core. Yet, in the midst of the chaos, Jesus offers us something extraordinary: His peace. The peace that Jesus speaks of in John 14:27 is not temporary or circumstantial; it is a profound, unshakable peace that goes beyond our understanding and guards our hearts.
It’s easy to seek comfort in things that the world promises will bring peace: success, stability, or even temporary distractions. But when life gets turbulent, those things often fall short. The peace of Christ, however, is different. It remains steadfast, offering calm and assurance even when everything around us feels uncertain.
Some of you may remember me sharing this before if you’ve kept up with my writings, but I’ll share about a significant breakup. Things were going well in our relationship, so when she told me we had to break up, I was blindsided. Confusion and conflict filled my mind as I struggled to make sense of what I had done wrong. And to make things harder, the breakup came with a condition—we couldn’t talk during that period. The idea of not being able to speak to my best friend felt unbearable.
Despite the emotional turmoil, I found myself at a crossroads when I remembered the tickets she had already purchased for us to go skydiving for my birthday. The experience was meant to be a celebration, but now it felt bittersweet. Still, I couldn’t let the opportunity slip away, even though my heart was heavy.
The moment I leaped out of that airplane, everything changed. The fear of, "I could very well die doing this," melted away as I was overwhelmed by the breathtaking view. It was as if, in that freefall, God whispered peace into my heart and showed me His majesty through the vast expanse below.
What I learned in that moment is something I want to share with you: no matter how dangerous, tumultuous, or hopeless your storm may seem, when you behold the glory of God—the Creator of the universe and the lover of your soul—your perspective changes. He brings a peace that surpasses understanding and transforms you from the inside out.
That skydive marked a turning point. The peace I felt in that moment of freefall was just a glimpse of the lasting peace that comes from being in Christ’s presence. I realized then how much I needed to seek Him wholeheartedly. That breakup wasn’t meant to break me; it was meant to humble me and prepare me to be the spiritual leader my girlfriend needed me to be. By God’s grace, we did reunite, and on June 2nd, 2018, we made our covenant with God and each other in marriage. Now, over six years and two kids later, we’re still clinging to His promise—the peace He gives us is not as the world gives, but it’s deep, sustaining, and unshakeable.
Personal Application:
How do we hold onto this divine peace during life’s storms? Here are some practical steps:
- Stay Anchored in Prayer: When anxiety starts to rise, take a moment to pause and talk to God. Let His presence remind you that He is near and in control.
- Reflect on His Promises: Meditate on scriptures that speak of God’s faithfulness and peace. Verses like Philippians 4:6-7 remind us that prayer and thanksgiving bring peace that transcends understanding.
- Choose Faith Over Fear: It’s natural to feel fear in uncertain times, but choosing faith means trusting that God’s peace is greater than any storm we face.
Lord Jesus, thank You for the peace You give that the world cannot offer. Help us to keep our hearts anchored in Your promises and not be swayed by fear. Teach us to lean into Your presence when life’s storms come, trusting that Your peace will guard our hearts and minds. We are grateful for Your unending faithfulness. In Your name, Amen.
Keep The Faith Going:
Are you in the middle of a storm right now? Remember, Jesus has promised you His peace. Take a moment to pause, reflect, and rest in His assurance. Share how God has brought you peace in difficult times, or let us know how we can pray for you. Use the hashtag #UpliftKingdom to join the conversation and encourage others. And if you need a tangible reminder of God’s peace, check out all products in the store at https://hashtaguplift.com/collections/frontpage
Faithfulness In Trials:
Hope In The Lord:
God's Provision: https://hashtaguplift.com/blogs/strength-in-christ/gods-provision-philippians-4-19