Fear Not

Fear Not

Opening Scripture:

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
– Isaiah 41:10 (ESV)

Devotional Reflection:

Fear is something we all experience at one point or another. It can be triggered by uncertainty, unexpected challenges, or the overwhelming weight of the unknown. But in this powerful verse, God speaks directly to our hearts, reassuring us that we don’t have to be afraid because He is with us.

Isaiah 41:10 is a profound reminder of God’s constant presence, His unwavering support, and His promise to strengthen and uphold us. When we face situations that seem too big, too overwhelming, or too frightening to handle on our own, God steps in and says, “You’re not alone. I am your God, and I will carry you through.”

Have you ever experienced a life-or-death situation before? I’ve had a few, but as I meditated on this verse, I vividly remembered the time I was hit by an 18-wheeler on the interstate. We were without rain for a while in Auburn, Alabama at the time, and one night, as I was driving my now-wife home, a torrential downpour suddenly broke out. We had just gotten onto I-85 Southbound when an 18-wheeler came speeding up beside me.

In an instant, I realized this massive truck was merging into my lane, as if the driver was completely unaware of my car on the righthand side. Fear gripped me as I thought about what could happen in that split second:

  1. My greatest fear was that we’d hit the guardrail head-on, and at interstate speeds, even with seatbelts on, this collision could have ended in death for both me and my wife.
  2. I imagined us getting clipped by the truck, striking the guardrail, and bouncing back underneath the trailer, which could crush us both.
  3. We could have been struck on the driver’s side and slammed against the guardrail. This was the outcome I was hoping for since the other two could have easily become deadly for both of us.

Instantly, I was gripped by fear, as every possible outcome flashed through my mind like a reel on fast-forward. I was scared for my life, for my wife’s life, and I had absolutely no control over what would happen next.

Then, BOOM—the 18-wheeler hit me on the driver’s side. But in that moment, the unthinkable, unimaginable happened. None of the scenarios I envisioned took place. We didn’t hit the guardrail. We didn’t bounce back under the trailer. In fact, we came to a halt just inches away from the guardrail, and the truck sped off in the pouring rain, swerving from lane to lane. The only damage was a small dent the size of a quarter! We had witnessed a miracle.

The scripture says, “Do not be dismayed,” but I was. I wondered, "Why did this happen? How were we spared from what should have been a terrible accident?" The truth is, I still don’t know the WHY, but I most definitely know WHO was in control. In that moment, God’s hand was clearly protecting us, reminding me that even when things are beyond our control, He is always in control.

We often fear what we cannot control, but God reminds us that He is the one who upholds us by His righteous right hand. So, I challenge you—when you’re facing your own ‘18-wheeler moments,’ those times when fear grips your heart and you feel completely powerless, remember that God is with you. He is the one who upholds you with His righteous right hand, even when you can’t see how things will turn out.

Personal Application:

Today, let’s remind ourselves of God’s promise to be with us, no matter what we’re facing. Here are some practical ways to walk in this truth:

  1. Speak His Word Over Your Fear: Whenever fear starts to creep in, declare Isaiah 41:10 over your life. Speak it out loud and remind yourself that God is with you, ready to strengthen and help you.
  2. Pray for His Presence: Ask God to make His presence known to you, especially in moments when fear feels overwhelming. Invite Him into your situation and trust that He’s right there with you.
  3. Encourage Someone Else: Is there someone you know who might be struggling with fear or anxiety? Share this verse with them, and be a source of encouragement in their life today.


Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the promise that we don’t have to be afraid because You are always with us. Help us to remember that no matter what challenges we face, You are our God, and You will strengthen and uphold us. When fear tries to take hold, remind us of Your power, Your presence, and Your love. May we find courage and peace in You today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Call To Action:

What fears are you facing today? Take a moment to surrender them to God and remember that He is with you, ready to lift you up with His righteous right hand. I’d love to hear how this verse has encouraged you. Share your thoughts in the comments below or join the conversation on social media with the hashtag #UpliftKingdom. And if you need a reminder of God’s strength, check out all products in the store at https://hashtaguplift.com/collections/frontpage.
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